Tenant Expelled for Defacing Window
Well OJ is at it again. Today he used the dry erase marker on the window pane. (Go figure!) After erasing his remarks, we noticed that a residue was left behind. OJ claims that he has been able to remove the marks entirely, not withstanding the fact that he admits he can still see markings on the pane. Baja Bud's for lunch today. Yum.
Fridge Fotos
Here it is everybody: I present to you the new refridg-o-matic 2000.
You're Stupid
I cannot even begin to explain how frustrating this is.
You're stupid.
New Refridgerator
I was responsible for getting the new office fridge at the end of the workday today. It is really hip. I'll try to post a photo of it tomorrow afternoon. Lunch was at Jerry's Deli on Ventura. I had the chicken breast melt. So did Brett. UGH.
Bacon Cheeseburgers
Well, we did the official kick-off lunch at Kate Mantilini's this afternoon. I had the hamburger with muenster cheese and bacon, medium well, with french fries. Following my lead, Andy ordered the same. In a fit of rage, I eyed him with a killer's glare. Andy recoiled, preparing to change his order to something original, but it was too late. The waiter had left. You could cut the tension with a knife. Despite this, we managed to get through lunch unscathed and enjoyed another successful afternoon at the office. I decided to take the day off early to "get my eyes checked." Arrived home at a leisurely 4:15 p.m. and took in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals -- Calgary 4, Tampa Bay 1.
Welcome to Suite 750.